Why do I need to secure the letter box if I already have CCTV or intruder/fire alarm?

The unprotected letterbox offers an easy and attractive route into a property for perpetrators whatever locks, alarms and CCTV may be installed. Those systems and warning signs cannot substitute the physical security in the letterbox and are powerless to stop vandals, arsonists, thieves, burglars and terrorists who will use any opportunity to attack your property.

CCTV has only proved effective for police work after the crime has happened and the effectiveness of CCTV is also questioned as burglars can easily mitigate the risk of being caught by wearing hoods and caps.

Why having protection from liquids is so important?

A disproportionate share of accidents with a devastating effect on the property and the occupants resulted from fires started with inflammable liquid accelerants. According to the police, 95% of arson in dwellings is caused by pouring flammable liquids through the letter plate aperture.

Such accidents are especially dangerous, as liquid accelerants give out twice as much heat from the same mass as solid ones, burn twice as fast and may produce large quantities of flammable vapours, which may lead to an instantaneous explosion.

Why is it crucial to install a genuinely secure anti-arson product for letterbox?

Fitting the genuine secure anti-arson product for letterbox is the key. There is a widespread common misconception that all it takes to prevent arson is to install one of the so-called “anti-arson” letter boxes, which are boldly advertised as having the ability to capture and contain hazards that can be pushed or poured in through the letter plate.

It is obviously a bit of a strange idea to install such gadgets that allow nearly anything —especially liquids at any volume that could endanger safety and security or be used to cause harm — to fall through your letter plate inside your house or place of business.

Anti-arson letter boxes are limited to being mounted at a high level. They present a risk related to the build-up of flammable materials or dangerous substances inside the premises in the anti-arson letter box’s container.

Some of these products come with a small in-built fire extinguisher that can extinguish a burning piece of paper but it could fail to be adequate in the event that a problem — such as a real fire or explosion — occurs inside the sealed container.

It is meant to contain all hazards, but these products are not regulated and not tested for such eventuality; they are either not tested at all or may be possibly tested to follow the currently available technical specifications (TS008). For this test, without any supporting evidence, just a meagre, unsubstantiated 500ml amount of petrol is required.

This situation is particularly concerning because it leaves an arsonist with a great opportunity: according to the Fire & Rescue Service, the typical letterbox arsonist uses one to five litres of petrol, and it might be much more. Igniting flammables in a sealed container can lead to an explosion inside your property. For these reasons, these products give a false sense of security.

How IdealGuard™ products were tested?

Despite being often referred to as security letter boxes, IdealGuard™ products are not. They are letterbox security attachments – remotely fitted security hardware – for simple fitting on the back of almost any existing or new letter plate.

Depending on the letter plate, IdealGuard™ letterbox security attachments can be fitted non-invasively by attaching to the letter plate’s fixings or face-fixed to the door by screws, much like the letterbox security cowl.

As remotely installed security hardware, like letterbox security cowls, they are not for fire resistance and not regulated.

They are independent of the type of letter plate or door, not meant to be used in isolation, and cannot be certified independently to meet standards.

Yet, pairing most of the commonly used letter plates with IdealGuard™ letterbox security attachments, would be an easy to implement fire safety and security solution that would meet and exceed the requirements of BS EN 13724:2013, TS 008:2022, Approved Document Q, RRO, Fire Safety and Building Safety Acts.

IdealGuard™ products were tested using the available aspects of BS EN Standard 13724 and TS008:2022. Additional tests included expulsion of liquids and filtering out solid hazards at the letter plate point, ingress protection, perimeter seal fire resistance, resistance to abuse, and smoke resistance (Smoke Test).

If testing is necessary for a letter plate assembly, including the IdealGuard™ product, it will meet or surpass TS 008:2022 and BS EN Standard 13724:2013 criteria very easily.

Can I fit IdealGuard™ product myself by DIY?

Guided by the detailed IdealGuard™ Fitting Instructions and User Manuals that come with the product, most DIY persons can fit IdealGuard™ products. Alternatively, get a handyman or a similar contractor to do the work easily.