
Do Not be Fooled by the Promises of ‘Security’, ‘Fire’, ‘Energy-Efficient’ or ‘Eco’ Front Doors 

When doors with an unprotected letter plate are marketed like that, it is not only misleading the customers but can be breaking the laws too.

Even if everything else is done right, the letter plate exposes the premises, its occupants and visitors to all four main risks defined by the Insurance industry: fire, water damage, malicious damage and weather-related damage.

Doors tests must reflect real life. It is odd that they are not tested when the letter plate flap is open, although it is known that on-site the position of the flap is unpredictable.

No regulation is perfect, but security needs must be met now.

After Grenfell fire, which killed 71 people, Dame Judith Hackitt’s Report states that fundamental reform is needed to improve building safety. It is a wake-up call to acknowledge that the risks associated with the unprotected letterbox are real and can be deadly.

The Fire Safety Bill and Building Safety Bill require those responsible for building to act. But they need the knowledge and tools to be able to do so effectively, and we are here to help.

Upgrading Front Door by Fitting IdealGuard™ Letterbox Security Product Will Benefit End Users, Integrators and Installers

To suit the need for the best possible and cost-effective solutions PowerPrize Limited has designed, patented and developed a range of IdealGuard™ game-changing gravity-powered secure by design security letter box and mailbox products that will suit any budget

PowerPrize Limited Is The Name You Can Trust

PowerPrize Limited  is the winner at IFSEC’s Security & Fire Excellence Awards 2014 international competition in the category Integrated Security & Fire Solution of the Year sponsored by Fire Protection Association and shortlisted as a Finalist in the category Security Project or Installation of the Year.

Previously PowerPrize Limited has been shortlisted as a Finalist in New Retrofit Product category at the national Greenbuild Awards 2012 and in Best Passive Protection Product category sponsored by Fire Industry Association at IFSEC Fire Excellence Awards 2011 competitions.

In 2019 the company has been again shortlisted as a Finalist at IFSEC’s Security & Fire Excellence Awards 2019 international competition in the category Integrated Security & Fire Solution of the Year.

Focusing on risk prevention, IdealGuard™ maintenance-free innovations help customers to eliminate or significantly reduce all letterbox – related risks to the property, including arson, fire, burglary, vandalism, theft, mail theft, flooding, heat loss and terrorism.

IdealGuard™ cutting-edge integrated security and cleantech solutions are the world’s first to expel any volume of liquids and suitable for fitting at a high and low level.